The Countries, the business and university sector, committed to sustainable development


  • Maria Teresa Bravo Luna Consejo Superior UVM
  • Héctor Alí Antúnez Araque Universidad Valle del Momboy



company, university, sustainable development, commitment


The 2030 Agenda is a multidimensional pact that integrates three dimensions, the environmental, the social and the economic, very necessary for the planet's development.
It is the responsibility of the countries, their institutions and civil society to achieve the 17
SDGs. Starting from cooperation and alliances so that people can live in peace and
achieve prosperity. Given the importance of choosing your fines, it becomes imperative
to go from cooperation to obligation, it is not an optional task, something that I can do
voluntarily, it must become a duty, an inescapable requirement. The 9 dimensions of
sustainable development, ensured the basis for everyone's actions, likewise, indicate
where to direct efforts, and how to approach the activities that all citizens will develop, be
they public officials, businessmen, students, teachers, professionals, or workers. These
dimensions are the systemic dimension, the global dimension, the ecological dimension,
the demographic dimension, the local dimension, the cultural dimension, the political
dimension, the moral dimension and the technological dimension. In this article there is a
special attention to the business sector and the university sector as special protagonists
of the transformation that we have to make that we begin to transit for this planet a house
that protects us, prepares us, respects us, shelters us, drives us and empowers us


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How to Cite

Bravo Luna , M. T., & Antúnez Araque, H. A. (2022). The Countries, the business and university sector, committed to sustainable development. Momboy, (18).




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