Action learning of strategic planning
Development, Solidarity Economy, Strategic PlanAbstract
This article presents a compilation of the work carried out by the Focal Group on Research in Solidarity Economy of the Faculty of Economic, Administrative and Management Sciences (FACEAG) of the Universidad Valle del Momboy, as part of the degree work of the Business Administration and Public Accounting careers in 2022, with the aim of analyzing and presenting the results of the research program developed by this Focal Group of Research, applying the learning method in action integrating students in local companies, developing projects that highlight strategic planning. The methodology addresses: 1. Identification and selection of companies, 2. Carrying out a detailed diagnosis of the current situation of each company, 3. Formation of work teams, 4. Creation of strategic plans based on the results of the organizational diagnosis, 5. Implementation of the proposals in the companies. The results determine the various aspects to be improved, reinforced or promoted, based on the organizational diagnosis, allowing a construction process around the design of strategic plans in the different business areas. In this way, the main purpose of this research focus group is contributed to, which is to be an organizational strategic guide for the development of the region.
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