Reskilling for the development of new functions of human talent in the company heb de México
Management strategies, reskilling, human talentAbstract
The objective of this research is to analyze reskilling as a management strategy for the development of new human talent functions in the company HEB Mexico. For this
purpose, a non-experimental, transactional or cross-sectional quantitative field study was
conducted, using as instrument an ad hoc questionnaire made up of 18 items, with likerttype response scales and applied to a population of 25 managers, where a response was
obtained from 19 (equivalent to 76%). Among the results, it is highlighted that the
company adapts to new technological changes, market demands and labor trends for its
human talent, but the development of digital skills and abilities, as well as the use of digital
media, should be reinforced. The use of techniques such as shadowing, soft skills, senior
and collaborative talent is shown, mainly strengthening senior talent to apply new
functions such as mentoring and coaching through the development of soft skills, hard
skills and other techniques. As well, retraining management strategies are formulated,
such as: evaluating and determining the current and future key competencies for new
human talent functions; developing an annual training plan; adopting digital learning to
close digital gaps; using digital media through online learning platforms with e-learning
courses and mobile learning applications; and establishing a synergic relationship
between colleges and the company for the education, training and development of new
human talent functions.
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