Reflections from the light of education


  • Ana Linares de Méndez Universidad Valle del Momboy



Education, Society, Human Development


In today's globalized world, education is the primary instrument in the so-called age of knowledge, people in their educational process not only obtain significant learning, but also values and ethical principles for life, awareness of themselves and others and a critical and generalized vision to achieve human well-being and development. Throughout the history of mankind, education has always been valued as a precious asset, however, only the privileged classes had access to them, but in the incessant struggle of society to achieve freedom and equality, at the time From modernity, education was a common good for all and in the middle of the 20th century it became a fundamental human right. In this work, a reflective
journey was carried out from the light of education, reaffirming that in the past, present and future education is a factor of vital importance for the progress and growth of people, groups and societies.


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How to Cite

Linares de Méndez, A. (2021). Reflections from the light of education. Momboy, (16).


