Results of the process of the research group-susteinable Isnotu action
Development, sustainability, localization, IsnotúAbstract
This article contains a synthesis of the work carried out by the Investigative Discussion Focus Group (GRUFODIN), within the framework of the thesis approach of the Master's Degree in Public Management of the Valle del Momboy University, cohort 2018 - 2021. It is about an intense research-action program to help create an Integral and Sustainable Development Plan for Isnotú, given the favorable circumstance of the beatification by the Catholic Church of its favorite son José Gregorio Hernández, who is also the best-known and most beloved character of Venezuela throughout its history. First, the result of intense teamwork is presented, which, with the participation of the Isnotú community, covers the analysis of its current situation and the various aspects that characterize this populated center, then the process of building consensus around its strategic plan, to then present the bases of said plan, and conclude with the individual contributions of each participant of the Master's degree, as required by the national regulations that regulate this matter. The main purpose of this research-action process is that the product becomes the strategic guide that guides everything that is done in this territory, so that its development is comprehensive, inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, as raises SDG 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda approved by the United Nations General Assembly, of which Venezuela is a signatory. And may everything be compatible with the values inspired by Blessed Dr. José Gregorio Hernández, a native of this town. The general idea is that Isnotú is a model population center in spirituality, human economy, common good, environmental harmony and with a high density of social capital, summarized in the Shared Vision achieved in this process: “Isnotú, spiritual paradise from Venezuela".
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