Environment, health and community from physical education at the university
environment, community, health and physical educationAbstract
The purpose of the study was to describe the link between environment, health
and community from the viewof physical education in the UNESR. In the
context of sustainable human development, the research was theoretically based
on the proposals authors such as: León (2009), Tejada and Sáez (2009), Esper
(2004, 2009), Estrada (2008), among others. The methodology was descriptive;
65 students and 03 teachers made up the group under studyto whom applied two
questionnaires (teachers, students), of 12 questions each. Results show that the
link physical education /environmental conservation is 'insufficient' because
during physical education class rarely emphasizes environmental preservation;
cleaning activities are not promoted, nor stimulates the use of biodegradable
fuels. Promotion of environmental education is "insufficient" because rarely
activities of awareness towards the environment are carried out or incorporated
into the teaching/learning values of environmental education. In physical
education/integratedhealth was 'insufficient': rarely taught standards for
practicing physical exercises outside of class, not activities that promote health
in the community, or reports on health and nutrition. The link physical
education/community recreation reflected "insufficient" therefore rarely
outdoor recreational activities are planned by incorporating community or the
teacher performs sports activities or skills students –community. It is concluded
that few linkage exists between environment, health and community from
physical education classes, contributing little to the development of a culture
pro-environmental and of health, since the classes have an academic-sports
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Copyright (c) 2016 Eva Pasek de Pinto, Yhonny Briceño, Teresita Villasmil de Vásquez
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