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Current Issue
No. 9 (2023)
Zaida Kassar Mora
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The sustainable Human Development. Complement That Seeks To Maintain The Balance
Lisbett Liliana Cabrera Pabón, Zaida Kassar Mora
Pdf (Español (España))
Transitting human development towards the environment, governance, technology and circular economy: From I to us
Maria Teresa Bravo Luna , Karelis del Valle Paredes Baptista, Héctor Alí Antúnez Araque
Pdf (Español (España))
The education from the dimensions of sustainable human development
Marilyn Briceño Portillo
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Perspectives of sustainable human development in the knowledge society
Karla Alejandra Dunn Díaz, Liliana Rivera Artigas
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Sustainable human development: The human person at the center Of development
Cristina Vieras
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Sustainable Human Development: A Look at the Future of Integration Theories of Economic Development.
Maira Maldonado, Héctor Alí Antúnez Araque
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Local development and the triangle of solidarity
Edgardo José Paolini Quiroz
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Location of the sustainable development goals
Lorena de la Trinidad Pérez Araujo
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Ethnohistory and Archetype of Sustainable Human Development: Symbolic Hermeneutics of XIX Latin American Biolaw
Danny Francis Gómez Romero
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A theoretical look at the era of the anthropocene and its relationship with the objectives of sustainable development
Francis Alejandra Moreno Godoy
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The EU Francisco Torres Toro and Education for Sustainable Human Development in rural communities of the Municipality of Candelaria in the State of Trujillo
Hugo Torres
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Participatory action research design for the supply of drinking water in the Manuel Salvador Ulloa Parish of the Candelaria Municipality, Trujillo State
Carmen Elena Benítez Rivas , Juan Carlos Torres Maldonado
Pdf (Español (España))
Interaction process, from the perspective of the initial education participants
Dasmary Josefina Paredes Matos, Ana Rosa Arnaldi Briceño , Maira Alicia Briceño Mendoza
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