Training plan to improve work performance case: Seniat, Internal Taxes Sector Valera – Trujillo


  • Trino Godoy



training, performance evaluation, , internal tax secto, officials, taxpayers


The general objective of this research is to analyze the training procedure and performance evaluation of officials assigned to the Valera - Trujillo Internal Tax Sector, with respect to taxpayer care. With this study, the dimensions of the diagnosis and procedure of training and performance evaluation are characterized, to then design a proposal that results in the improvement of the taxpayer's performance. The research was based on a descriptive study with a field design. The information was collected through the survey, designing a questionnaire evaluated by the judgment method of three experts in human resources, management and methodology. The results of the research reflected a lack of knowledge of the institution's legal instruments that regulate human talent, infrequency in terms of the number of training sessions per year, little recognition and motivation regarding the efficient performance of officials, a low number of training sessions, which which translates into the need to establish a plan that increases the number of trainings, since their quality is in the middle. Therefore, emphasis is placed on designing a proposal that has an improvement action and streamlines capacity, quality and support to optimize training and performance evaluation.


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How to Cite

Godoy, T. (2023). Training plan to improve work performance case: Seniat, Internal Taxes Sector Valera – Trujillo. Momboy, (20).




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