Theoretical – axiological elements in criminal investigation


  • José Luis Núñez Mora Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora (UNELLEZ),



Elements, Axiology, Criminal Investigation, Investigation


This article is based on the studies of the doctorate in Legal Sciences of the National Experimental University of the Western Llanos Ezequiel Zamora, its objective is to identify the theoretical - axiological elements in criminal investigation, it is framed in the interpretive paradigm with a qualitative approach , since it allows appropriating the discernment and interpretation of the bases and elements that give meaning to the actions carried out in the axiological attack of legal praxis from the criminal investigation of the officials of the Barinas State Police Corps. From the methods and stages, it places the researcher in the empirical world and determines the activities that will have to be carried out in order to achieve the proposed objective of qualitative research. On the one hand, it is proposed that competent and qualified observers can report objectively, clearly and accuracy about their own observations of the social world as well as the experiences of others. In relation to the research techniques, the participant observation technique was chosen. The key informants will be five (05) subjects from the Barinas State Police Corps who will be essential to describe the axiological elements present in said officials.


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How to Cite

Núñez Mora, J. L. (2024). Theoretical – axiological elements in criminal investigation. Momboy, (21), 34–40.


