VI.- The actions to be carried out to exalt this artisanal wonder.


  • Eleida Escalona
  • Domitila Peña


Clay Craft, Technological transculturation, Ancient manual techniques, Rebuild and spread, Native craft culture


With all this historical bastion in the aforementioned community who has given life to the crafts of clay or earthenware for many years, the technological transculturation has touched its fiber and in some way the manual and ancestral techniques of this productive sector have been abandoned and forgotten. cultural, for this reason, it is a priority in this research to reconstruct and disseminate through different written, oral, and technological means the wonderful art of the culture of this land that is located in a paradisiacal place because within its same community the raw material is found ( clay) and thus continue making history from generation to generation with the human relays that are born and grow every day in the land of Friendly Liberty as Carache is known. Achievements achieved with the research. Enhance the symbolic value and recognition of the indigenous artisanal culture that the Betichope community has in the La Concepción de Carache parish.


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How to Cite

Escalona, E., & Peña , D. (2017). VI.- The actions to be carried out to exalt this artisanal wonder. Momboy, (15). Retrieved from


