Micro e-learning and ubiquitous u-learning. Strategies for companies in post pandemic





Micro learning, e-learning, u-learning, mentoring, Covid-19.


In the globalized world of this century, it is perceived that societies are increasingly demanding, to strengthen the knowledge of their members along with the advances in
Information and Communication Technology (ICT), forces them to face new challenges
and challenges in terms of their knowledge, every time that allows them to achieve their
progress and development; in this sense; The objective of this research is to describe elearning and ubiquitous u-learning micro-learning, strategies for companies in the postpandemic period; It was carried out through a qualitative methodological investigation
with a recent bibliographic documentary design, highlighting its great relevance at a
national and international level, as it is a topical issue that companies should consider in
the coming years, given the advances ICT; Among its conclusions, the following stand
out: company managers should plan digital learning as a strategy; adopt micro-learning
e-learning and u-learning, which benefits employees and customers; It is essential to
use mentoring as a learning methodology based on conversation and the transfer of


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How to Cite

Moreno, F. (2023). Micro e-learning and ubiquitous u-learning. Strategies for companies in post pandemic . Momboy, (19). https://doi.org/10.70219/mby-192023-82




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