The reforms in Venezuelan education during the 20th century or accommodative pragmatism of the state apparatus


  • Ricardo Gallardo Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación


reform, education, modernization, Pragmatism, State


The purpose of this essay is to present a synthesized review of reforms in Venezuela's education during the twentieth century (Altuve, 2008). Work with reference to the reforms , refers to the approach to education in the process of modernization of Venezuela from the government of Cipriano Castro, Juan Vicente Gómez through EleazarLópez Contreras and until the of Isaias Medina Angarita . Needs, then, the organization of the education system in response to a political project of the state apparatus through two (2) phenomena represented in the caudillo and the dynamic process of centralizing power. Subsequently, some considerations touching that education is affected by the changing context around what not reached with the reforms, in addition, the fruits of this educational progress achieved in each period. It is pertinent to note that the title of this essay and the work reviewed are closely linked by the product of a consistent derivation, which is part of the historical analysis of educational - reform made clear in the pragmatic state ideology during the four presidential periods., In conclusion, in these periods an educational system that, through the support of the dominant ideology became an instrument used to continue the discriminatory nature of venezuelan society is evident; practice still in effect, although to a lesser extent.


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How to Cite

Gallardo, R. (2014). The reforms in Venezuelan education during the 20th century or accommodative pragmatism of the state apparatus. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (4). Retrieved from


