Pedagogical diagnosis Purpose of the Bolivarian Education Hidden Curriculum


  • Narvis Aldana Universidad Fermín Toro


Pedagogical Diagnosis, Purposes of Bolivarian Education, Hidden Curriculum


This research is focused on misdiagnosed as a first phase of the educational reality of the 33 schools of national dependence of the municipality Miranda, Trujillo state ; regarding curriculum development of the Bolivarian Education, this diagnosis was performed by the Research Cooperative Action ( Bisquerra , 1989) , where from a first approximation the context contradictions was found in the institutions of the municipality between the ideal and the next question to be education , hence from the ontological emerged : what aspects are advocating for the purposes of the Bolivarian education are not getting correctly ? Faced with this question , it relies on critical theory to give a solution for social action , which results in an Action Research criticism " , and from the dialectic method of thesis - antithesis-synthesis was reached that the presence of Hidden Curriculum (Garcia et al 2009 ) ; within the schools does not allow the achievement of the educational goals of the Bolivarian education in the municipality , which has as references , forming a supportive , critical and democratic , responsible participation protagonist and social human being with a fundamental experience of the rights and peace building and citizen participation on equal rights and conditions .



Bisquerra (1989). Métodos de Investigación. Ariel: España.

Casarini(2002).Teoría y Diseño Curricular. Editorial Trillas: México

García y otros, (2009). Claves para la educación. Editorial Narcea UNED España.

Mari, (2001). Diagnóstico pedagógico. Un modelo para la intervención psicopedagógica. Ariel: España.



How to Cite

Aldana , N. (2014). Pedagogical diagnosis Purpose of the Bolivarian Education Hidden Curriculum. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (4). Retrieved from


