Evaluation of the strategies and technics used by teachers to modify disruptive behaveviors.
evaluation, techniques, strategies, disruptive behaviorAbstract
This research paper had as a primordial objective to value e the strategies and techniques used by teachers in order to modify disruptive behaviors in students of fifth year high school course in “U. E. Manuel Torrealba Ramos”, placed in Curarigua, Torres Council in Lara State. The current studio is framed in a descriptive-evaluative investigation with field design. The model CIPP defined by Stufflebeam (1995) was used do the evaluation, taking into account only the process phase. Population was formed by 11 teachers, a universal sample because it is a finite one, able to be studied all in easy way. Direct observation and inquiry were the used techniques in collecting data to evaluate strategies and techniques utilized in modifying students’ disruptive behaviors. Analysis result was also descriptive and evaluative; they give the necessary information to put into practice strategies and techniques which solve the problem. In conclusion, the searcher can say there is a necessity of a training and refresher program to improve the application of students’ harmful behavior’s control to have a normal class development. It is recommended to refresh teacher in this kind of strategies to permit class’s process flow normally.
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