Collective memory in the story of the people of San Luis


  • Casilda Parra UNESR-Núcleo Valera
  • Edgar Molina UNESR-Núcleo Valera
  • Elizabeth Pérez UNESR, Núcleo Valera



historiographic discourse, collective memory, sociocultural signifier


The regional and local history of the communities or towns provide us with knowledge, knowledge and social practices for the construction of a historical and historiographic discourse, which allows us to trace the genesis of the relationships that the inhabitants have developed to make their ways of life, expressed historically sociocultural, economic and political. The purpose of the research is to reconstruct the collective memory, based on the silenced or excluded voices of the different actors, in the community of San Luís, in the Mercedes Díaz municipality of Trujillo state. The methodological procedure to use is narrative, which allows us to know personal and collective experiences and/or experiences. The type of research is narrative that deals with an epistemic position in the retrospective construction that an individual makes of the lives of others or that a subject makes of himself, Connelly and Clandinin (1995) cited in Creswell, J. (2013). The research becomes relevant when considering the experience, experiences, stories of the residents that facilitated the understanding of sociocultural signifiers such as tradition, values, participation, organization, independence, built by each of its members as part of a living, diverse and complex. Likewise, it is supported by the theoretical contributions of Medina, A.; Beautiful; Giddens, A. Sutton, P. In conclusion, the rescue of collective memory revitalizes the sense of belonging of the residents of San Luis for their history, for their socio-cultural diversity present in forms of coexistence, adopted by the collective in this town, which has left rooted social values such as: participation, unity, solidarity, organization, autonomy.


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How to Cite

Parra, C., Molina, E., & Pérez, E. (2023). Collective memory in the story of the people of San Luis. Momboy, (20).


