The Dr. José Gregorio Hernández a virtuoso university professor


  • Cristina Vieras Universidad Valle del Momboy



One of the most outstanding facets of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández was his performance as a researcher and teacher at the Central University of Venezuela, specifically in a time of great transition in the field of thought as well as science. Being a scholar to seek answers to questions that until then had no scientific solution in Venezuela guided him to fill himself with science and be able to bring to the country the most innovative instruments that existed in Europe at that time, which allowed him to put them at the service of science and academia their knowledge in subjects such as histology, bacteriology, physiology and pathology, in addition to being able to use the microscope that opened the field to unprecedented discoveries in science. All this was guided by a desire to serve the country. His former students and colleagues testify to this well, ratifying his dedication, his scientific and academic rigor, as well as his love for the well-being of the poorest that arose from his strengthened faith. sacramental and devotional that he never abandoned.


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Núñez, J. (1924). Dr. José Gregorio Hernández, ensayo crítico biográfico. 1ª ed. Imprenta Nacional. Caracas.

Vélez, F. (1967) José Gregorio Hernández. Maestro. Caracas. Venezuela. Editorial OBE.



How to Cite

Vieras, C. (2021). The Dr. José Gregorio Hernández a virtuoso university professor. Momboy, (17).


