Sustainable Human Development: A Look at the Future of Integration Theories of Economic Development.


  • Maira Maldonado Universidad Valle del Momboy
  • Héctor Alí Antúnez Araque Universidad Valle del Momboy



Development, Sustainable Human Development, Evolution, Theories of economic development.


The theoretical dissertation on the evolution of the concept of development to sustainable human development in economic thought, transfers changes in the meaning of elements that articulate the human, social, economic component and the impact of environmental conservation, generating a compilation of studies and international actions to understand its evolution and the controversies due to the concern to give instrumental significance and understanding to these concepts. Through an exploration of scientific documents that have spoken on the subject, this article then aims to review the path in the construction of the comprehensive concept of DHS, from the historical perspective set forth in the theories of integration of regional, national and local economic development, as a dynamic and evolutionary phenomenon in the articulation of economic, social and environmental components that today require a comprehensive understanding of the notion of DHS.


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How to Cite

Maldonado, M., & Antúnez Araque, H. A. (2023). Sustainable Human Development: A Look at the Future of Integration Theories of Economic Development. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (9).


