Interaction process, from the perspective of the initial education participants
interaction, teaching-learning process, initial educationAbstract
The purpose of this study is to interpret the interactions that occur in the teaching and learning process of the participants of the Initial Education program at the Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University (UNESR) Núcleo Valera. The research is inserted under a qualitative approach from an ethnographic perspective, without manipulation of any nature that could alter the environment, the context in which the action was developed from the perspective of the actors (facilitators – participants – researchers). The techniques used were participant observation, interviews, hermeneutic circle. Regarding the analysis and interpretation of what was found, the category emerged: Two-dimensional relationships and the subcategories: dialogue, socialization, knowing how to listen, questions, trust and respect, based on Martínez's model (2004:195); The following assertion emerges: the institution conducts an educational process oriented towards an adequate relationship for effective learning between teacher and student, precisely by establishing a high level of communication between them, essentially based on respect and trust, given bidirectionally.
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