The Education in a world with exponential changes


  • Maria Teresa Bravo Luna Universidad Valle del Momboy
  • Karelis del Valle Paredes Baptista Universidad Valle del Momboy
  • Rogelio Gomez Universidad Valle del Momboy



human development, tele-education, exponential organizations, society 5.0, Technology, learning


Human development is the positive situation of society in which people must live with dignity in accordance with their natural environment and their human rights, consequently, to achieve progress, growth and human development of a country, it must be cared for as a valuable treasure is education, the fundamental basis of every society, with a seal of quality and a vision of the future. When we talk about tele-education, tools such as: audio conferencing, video conferencing, virtual classroom, virtual library, bot, cobot, virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, the internet and the web site come to mind, tele-education is a method of learning to distance that uses the internet and computer terminals, based on the new models of internet teaching, we dare to share the following proposal: Education in a world with exponential changes, whose massive transformative purpose is to achieve with the help and contribution of all citizens, a better world, offering the opportunity to all people while they live, of an open, active, collaborative, flexible, mobile, permanent, situated and meaningful learning. The proposal is to convert the educational process into an exponential process where the Purpose of Mass Transformation (PTM) is combined with the 11 attributes of Exponential Organizations, using tele-educational mechanisms virtual learning tolos.


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How to Cite

Bravo Luna , M. T., Paredes Baptista, K. del V., & Gomez, R. (2022). The Education in a world with exponential changes. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (7).


