Environmental management plan oriented environment protection and conservation of school


  • Daboin de Briceño Zoraida Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación
  • Johel Furguerle Rangel Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación


Environmental Management, Environmental Protection Conservation


Environmental education should be understood as a systemic process, from the knowledge that reflective and critical of reality biophysical, social, political, economic and cultural, allows the individual to understand the interdependence with the environment so that the appropriation of concrete reality can be generated in him and in his community, attitudes of appreciation and respect for the environment. Under this perspective, the objective of the study was aimed at determining the environmental management as a strategy for the protection and conservation of the school environment. The research adopted a descriptive explanatory based on a nonexperimental design transeccional. By type corresponds to a field study. The population consisted of fifteen classroom teachers of primary education, which is considered the total teacher population was considered a population census. As an instrument used a questionnaire applied to teachers contentivo of 20 items with four response alternatives, which was validated by expert judgment, reliability was calculated through Cronbach Alpha coefficient, the result was 0.86 was used technical analysis as descriptive statistics. The results allow us to determine which environmental management as a strategy for the protection and conservation of the school environment is not being applied by teachers in their teaching practice. Therefore, it is necessary to improve education that schools, management systems incorporating environmental quality by establishing measures in accordance with the environmental requirements.


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How to Cite

de Briceño Zoraida , D., & Furguerle Rangel , J. (2015). Environmental management plan oriented environment protection and conservation of school. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (6). Retrieved from https://journal.uvm.edu.ve/index.php/sustentabilidad/article/view/150


