Socio-productive activities for family school and community integration through canaima Bolivarian High School Students of the Municipality Yepez Arcadio Ricardo Jimenez Lara State


  • Winder Martinez Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación
  • Wilmer La Cruz Universidad Valle del Momboy


liberating work, triad, Canaima, socio- productive, integration


This investigation takes as a target to Promote the participation of the students of 8 vo year, in the use of the Canaima with activities associate productive of the community in the Lyceum Bolivariano Ricardo Arcadio Yépez Del The Municipality Jiménez Estado Lara, this investigation frames inside the form social project, based on the methodology of Gloria Pérez (2005), the above mentioned project consists of four phases: Diagnosis, Planning, Execution and Evaluation: developing the following activities: a community diagnosis in three dimensions, institutional and participative, in relation, to the diagnosis participative nominal group was realized across the technical rains of ideas and skills to know needs or problematic. Associate Designed an activities plan to himself productive to integrate family school and community across the Canaima in students of the lyceum bolivariano Ricardo Arcadio Yépez of the municipality been Jiménez Lara, also they were planned and executed six days in order to labor associate offered information to the students across the technological hardware like the Canaima. Across the different activities that are proposed, to settle the problems more important, in turn the active participation of all the members in search of the common good with this investigation achieved to know the reality of the community in study as well as the educational institution the integration of the investigator being achieved with all the members in search of the collective well-being inside and out of the institution in turn it strengthens the value coexistence in each of the participants.


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How to Cite

Martinez, W., & La Cruz, W. (2015). Socio-productive activities for family school and community integration through canaima Bolivarian High School Students of the Municipality Yepez Arcadio Ricardo Jimenez Lara State. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (5). Retrieved from


