Elements for the training of researchers: a view from the complexity
Training of researchers, transdisciplinarity, elements of training, complexityAbstract
It's up to nationwide form researchers required in accordance with the historical and social period in which it operates. Therefore you must currently promote construction of knowledge considering the complexity underlying in all areas: social, educational, political, ecological, economic, and relationships involving. Therefore, this study was aimed to generate a set of elements for the training of researchers from a vision of complexity. It is theoretically based on the complexity theory (Morin, 2008, 2001a, 2001b), the formation of the scientific spirit (Bachelard, 1987) and in the theory of the register research (Padrón, 1994, 1998). As result were established the elements of formation: human condition, earthly identity, cultural reflection, systemic/complex thinking, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, ethics knowledge, planetary ethics, philosophy, research methods, strategies inter and transdisciplinary and technological innovation. It is suggested to use these elements as criteria to form research teams, seminars, courses and workshops, lines of action in research, among others.
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