Collection of social actors about the organizational culture in bolivarian schools.


  • Juan C. Terán B.


Values, Organizational Culture, Social Actors


The research aims to observe the perception of the Social Partners on Organizational Culture in the Bolivarian schools , the method of documentary research and observation processes . From the research I following results were obtained: Based on the definition of social actor, both teachers , staff and workers breach their role as such , although they stick to their job functions, are concerned only fulfill its time to play the position they hold , would still clearly see that there is a detachment and minimal sense of ownership over the movable and immovable property of the institution, the students receive academic counseling by the faculty, more moral and personal part neglected the same , affecting lack of interest in fulfilling their homework during the processes of registration, parents or guardians of the students are well served by those responsible for it. Furthermore, it was observed more roots in popular culture , not by representing the organizational culture. Which proved to be ignored by stakeholders due to the value usencia responsibility , students neglect , breach of demonstrating students and lack of sense of belonging.


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How to Cite

Terán B., J. C. (2014). Collection of social actors about the organizational culture in bolivarian schools. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (4). Retrieved from


