Benefits of family participation in the evaluation of student learning


  • María Gabriela Mejia
  • María Teresa Mejía


Benefits, learning assessment, family involvement


The aim of the study was to identify the benefits of family involvement in the assessment of student learning of basic education. The methodology of documentary, followed the steps that led to describe, analyze and reflect on the subject investigated. This participation benefits students because it improves their attitude toward school, as well as to the assessment process in general, while feeling the closeness of their parents feel greater confidence and support, the teachers that strengthen partnerships with families, helps improve learning outcomes that a peer assessment and actual and adjusted to the context in which the student lives hetero becomes viable . Families that share information with the teacher about the represented and involved in the learning process, help you assess the consequences of their support in the educational work of the school. In addition, strategies were proposed to help drive these benefits.



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How to Cite

Mejia, M. G., & Mejía, M. T. (2014). Benefits of family participation in the evaluation of student learning. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (4). Retrieved from


