Generational profile under the principles of sustainability of companies in the health sector “Instituto Médico Valera, Aribrasca C.A.” Valera, Trujillo State


  • Manuel Llanos Pestana Universidad Valle del Momboy
  • Rosimar De Abreu
  • Joselin A Chacoa


Profile Generation, principles of sustainability, sustainable human development, Valera Medical Institute


The aim of the study is to determine the generational profile under the principles of sustainability in the health sector companies "Valera Aribrasca CA Medical Institute." To achieve this, a methodology based on the descriptive field design is executed. The population consisted of the Administrative Staff Medical Institute consisting of thirty (30) individuals whose data collection was performed using a system based on a survey in the form of questionnaire instrument, consisting of twenty (23) items related to the indicators of study (cultural demographics, age, time in the business, level of education, historical, environmental, etc.). The results showed that the reflected generational profile Medical Institute is represented by five generations, mostly classified with people aged 45 to 22 years born in 1971-1980, a Venezuelan national and maintaining a time within the company between 5-20 years of work. Previously they had not done research on the generational profile, therefore, is not counted with reliable data on the subject.



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How to Cite

Llanos Pestana , M., De Abreu, R., & Chacoa , J. A. (2014). Generational profile under the principles of sustainability of companies in the health sector “Instituto Médico Valera, Aribrasca C.A.” Valera, Trujillo State. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (4). Retrieved from


