A glance at the university community research from space


  • Tahis Godoy Universidad Valle del Momboy
  • Yuraima Matos Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez


Community Research, university, knowledge society


In recent years he has been talking about the presence of the knowledge society and its relevance for the development of a country, so the universities are called to respond to this demand through its functions of research, extension and teaching. Hence the emphasis on doing research since the university community to build knowledge on social realities spaces, however, it seems that problems still persist that may affect it. In this sense, the purpose of the study is to provide some aspects affecting Community research from university spaces. Methodologically approached from the documentary and thoughtful review of the research, obtaining the following results: a) theoretical, methodological and operational difficulties in research projects, and b) parameters characterizing the research community. From this thoughtful look, we can say that today requires a large commitment, community college actors (teachers and students) (communities, institutions) and government to enforce a true community research as they are constructed and reconstructed knowledge.


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How to Cite

Godoy, T., & Matos, Y. (2013). A glance at the university community research from space. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (2). Retrieved from https://journal.uvm.edu.ve/index.php/sustentabilidad/article/view/120


