Development of teaching strategy Oriented teaching history framed in local educational project canaima


  • Claribel Silva Universidad Valle del Momboy
  • Mary Olmos Universidad Valle del Momboy


Teaching Strategies, Local History, Educational Software, Jclic.


The purpose of this research is to promote the development of educational programs using tools like Jclic program to develop the Teaching Strategies Teaching Local History framed in Canaima Bolivarian Educational Project in Elementary School: " Antonio Nicolás Township Motatán as a way to empower the teachers in their handling of these tools, which allow you to support the development of academic skills of elementary school students. The same is based on a social research project exposed by Perez (2005 ) , Cabero (2000 ), UNESCO ( 2004) type , and which comprises four phases : Phase Participatory Institutional Diagnosis and developed using techniques observation, survey and interview a total of 25 students , the planning phase where action plans were established to solve the problems encountered . The implementation and evaluation phase where the projected planning materialized. The achievements focused on the provision of personnel working in the institution to work with various strategies through the implementation of tools such as Jclic to develop simple interactive digital educational programs and to improve the teaching - learning students primary in the aforementioned institution, thus contributing to the consolidation of the project " Education for sustainable Lifestyles " Technological Culture framed in sustainable human development, as part of philosophy dela Momboy Valley University.


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How to Cite

Silva, C., & Olmos, M. (2013). Development of teaching strategy Oriented teaching history framed in local educational project canaima. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (2). Retrieved from


