The Social entrepreneurship and integration family - school - community


  • Maria Teresa Bravo Luna Universidad Valle del Momboy
  • Sulay Masías Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación


School-Family Integration - Community, Social Entrepreneurship


The incorporation of parent representatives to the educational process, allows for greater participation in educational guidance their children receive, and also provides the opportunity to contribute to their learning. From this perspective, the present study aimed Main Offer Integration Program School-Family-Community, through a social enterprise activity has been called "The Little Train of the Sweets" Bolivarian School "The Tendal" located in the Parish the Dividive, Miranda Municipality of Trujillo state. The research was part of the social project methodology as G. Perez (2000), it was divided into four phases as: diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. The diagnosis was developed using observation, interview, questionnaire, meetings, brainstorming, nominal group, the SWOT matrix and the tree diagram, they are worked with parents and representatives that live in that institution. From the analysis of the data was designed an intervention plan that was executed; through, four workshops on "Family Counselor", "legal foundation", "The conduct of our children" and "Little Train the Confectionery ". The theoretical foundation focused on approaches Gimeno (2001) School-Community Relations. Carasa (2006) and School Integration Cunill (1991). As a result it was possible to produce awareness in parents and representatives their approach to school, adding value to the teaching-learning process of their children, to the integration of School- Family - Community.


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How to Cite

Bravo Luna , M. T., & Masías , S. (2013). The Social entrepreneurship and integration family - school - community. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (1). Retrieved from


