Use given to the MOODLE Platform by university teachers
MOODLE, teacher, University, Forum, chat, resourceAbstract
The objective of this research is to describe the use given to the MOODLE platform by the teachers in the gas engineering career of the National Experimental Polytechnic of the National Armed forces (UNEFA), in Trujillo state. It´s a descriptive investigation, based in a non experimental field research, it was carried out with 46 teachers and 88 students related of the mentioned career. The technique used to obtain the information was the survey; for the data collection instrument was use a closed question questionnaire with a dichotomous type; this instrument was validated through the expert consultation and its reliability through the coefficient of Kuder Richarson, obtaining a value of 0.90. In order to process the information was used a descriptive statistic, based on the frequency distribution and percentage. The outputs of the study conclusion were that the UNEFA´s teachers know how to register in the platform, but only an average used it. In addition, they know a little about the evaluation form through the platform use. Promoting by this way a little self- evaluation of the students. For this reason, only an average of the teachers of the Gas Engineering career know how use the virtual platform. Finally, the task module is the most used by the teachers, followed by the resource module and the chat but the form modules were keeping as the least used by the teachers, then, the University´s teachers prefer to use the platform in modules, which require less time and dedication by them, showing little dedication to their virtual tutoring functions.
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Copyright (c) 2017 José Isidro Chirino H. , Evelyn Dayana Briceño P.
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