Ecological culture development sustainable lifestyles
Cultural, Ecology, Development, Sustainability, Quality of Life, Sustainable HumanDevelopmentAbstract
The purpose of this research was to promote ecological culture through the Elaboration and implementation of strategies with activities that promote the development of sustainable lifestyles, targeting communities registered in the parishes, "Juan de Villega" UEE Iribarren Municipality"Leonardo RuizPineda", "Tamaca" Bolivarian School(M /J) "Don Romulo Gallegos" of Potrero, "Concepcion",IribarrenMunicipality"BolivarianSchool"Dr.JoseGregorio Hernandez" and" Barrio Nuevo I "Iven Sector Barquisimeto, all these in Lara state, together with the municipality Uveral Esteller-Portuguese." This research is framed within the social project modality based on the methodology of Perez, S. (2005), developed in four (4) phases: diagnosis, planning,implementation and evaluation. Accomplished the aforementioned perceived, satisfaction and rejection of the participants in each of the planned activities, engage achieving much of the community, culture ecological sustainable lifestyles in framing sustainable human development.
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