Location of the sustainable development goals


  • Lorena de la Trinidad Pérez Araujo Universidad Valle del Momboy




Development, Sustainable Development Goals, Location


This document offers an overview of sustainable human development conceived from an experiential perspective by incorporating the analysis of its objectives framed from a local perspective. The purpose of this study was to analyze the location of the objectives of sustainable development in the Rafael Caldera community of the Valera municipality, under a field approach considering a population of 280 families considering a sample of 85 heads of family to know their perception about the SDGs in that community through a survey that made it possible to identify that the objectives that were considered priorities for said community are: Eradicate poverty, End hunger and Guarantee the availability and management of water, a situation that was concatenated with the relevant aspects in the diagnosis of the current situation of the community obtained through a SWOT matrix. In the same way, it was possible to verify that the physical spaces and commercial activities are outlined as main strengths, the conditions of infrastructure and public services as the relevant weaknesses of the Rafael Caldera community. In this context, action plans were raised with a view to providing training in constructively incident skills and competencies in the achievement of goals framed in sustainable human development.


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How to Cite

Pérez Araujo , L. de la T. (2023). Location of the sustainable development goals. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (9). https://doi.org/10.70219/sad-92023-178


