A theoretical look at the era of the anthropocene and its relationship with the objectives of sustainable development


  • Francis Alejandra Moreno Godoy




Anthropocene, Sustainable development, Sustainable Development Goals


The objective of this research is to examine some theoretical aspects related to the Anthropocene related to the objectives of sustainable development or global objectives adopted by the United Nations in 2015. Methodologically, it is carried out under a qualitative approach since it is based on the epistemological scaffolding of the topic under study from the theoretical-conceptual to the opinion and positions of organizations and researchers from different specialties. In this sense, the historical background referring to the term Anthropocene, some definitions, and its main characteristics are addressed, some aspects of sustainable human development, the consequences of the Anthropocene and its correspondence with the objectives of sustainable development. Its conclusions include that the Anthropocene endangers the sustainability of life on Earth by putting at risk the capacity of global ecosystems to provide essential ecosystem services, such as air and water purification, climate regulation and provision of food and natural resources; To address the challenges of the Anthropocene, a sustainable human development approach is needed that allows humans to meet their basic needs and increase their long-term well-being without harming the natural system on which life on the planet depends.


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How to Cite

Moreno Godoy , F. A. (2023). A theoretical look at the era of the anthropocene and its relationship with the objectives of sustainable development. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (9). https://doi.org/10.70219/sad-92023-176


