Territorial intelligence: Disruption and participation in the knowledge society
knowledge society, territorial intelligence, democratic disruption.Abstract
The legitimacy of our relationship with the habitable spaces, which not only refers to the use of the existing resources in each of them, but also to the most relevant from the point of view of the cultural projection of the communities that inhabit them, the survival of their identity. It is necessary to revitalize the communities themselves based on their productive dynamics, as well as on the rescue of their origins and their maintenance around a sustainable and innovative relationship capable of transforming their habitual survival practices into elements that in a disruptive way assign an added value to the space. Territorial intelligence in the context of the knowledge society is therefore innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership. It is also a new way of responding to the demands of these leaderships and their associated competencies; it is the relational mechanisms between individuals who must face an experience of modernization that forces us to rethink myths about socialization.
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