The drama for development of verbal language: A proposal for elementary education


  • Eduardo J. Márquez García Centro Local de Investigación y Formación Permanente del Magisterio Venezolano


Drama, Verbal Language, Oral and Written Language


The student through learning activities using drama strategies usually listen carefully. He funs talking in public, reading, writing correctly and has a strong vocabulary. However, the child doesn´t rewarding experiences through the drama as learning strategies that sticking them with a reality in which it can move with freshness, confidence and ability to achieve. Therefore, the objective of this research was to determine the use of dramatization by the teacher as a strategy for the development of spoken language in children of primary school. The research was part of the positivist paradigm descriptive approach, applied to 18 teachers, an instrument of 20 questions covering the dimensions of the use of dramatization by the teacher as a strategy to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing are administered. The questionnaire content validity method was applied using expert judgment and reliability by Cronbach's alpha method was 92.27%. The results indicated an overall 16.67% of teachers responded to the Always, while a 61.11% responded sometimes average and 22.22% never used the dramatization. In conclusion, the majority of teachers do not use the dramatic strategies to develop verbal language. In general, learning activities are not used properly through dramatization as a strategy. Therefore, it was designed a tutorial guide.


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How to Cite

Márquez García, E. J. (2015). The drama for development of verbal language: A proposal for elementary education. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (6). Retrieved from


