Strategies to reduce work stress Case: Management Personnel Department audit Seniat in Mérida.


  • Carlos L. Camacho Q Universidad de los Andes


Strategies, Labour Stress, Human Talent, Department, Job Performance.


This research aims to propose primary prevention strategies for job stress presented by the administrative staff of the Department of Supervision of SENIAT Merida state, for the purpose of continuous improvement in worker performance. The investigation is limited to a quantitative paradigm, was part of the mode of feasible project, supported by a descriptive inquiry as a possible solution to a practical problem. The sample consisted of fifteen (15) people working in that department, and the information was captured through a structured questionnaire with closed, comprising various items, in order to diagnose and detect indicators in the first instance faults in the department. The validation was done with the help of three experts. The results generated data were analyzed and graphed properly, allowing the staff has concluded that job stress, which can be overcome through an effective tool to remove it with the reactivation of productive attitudes of staff and the creation of work teams, motivation and incentives, and delegation of tasks. Finally, it is recommended that this proposal can be implemented and disseminated in other organizations concerned with the development and performance of their staff and ensure their growth.



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How to Cite

Camacho Q, C. L. (2015). Strategies to reduce work stress Case: Management Personnel Department audit Seniat in Mérida. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (6). Retrieved from


