Evaluate the work education sub-program (arts and crafts) of the resident students of O.S.P.A. U.E., “Santa Rosa De Lima” School, Municipality A.E.B -Sanare- Edo Lara
Resources, action, didactics, evaluation, productsAbstract
The following research evaluated the working education subprogram taking into account Arts and Trades taught to the resident students of OSPA in the Unidad Educativa “Santa Rosa de Lima, placed in Sanare Village, Andrés Eloy Blanco Council, in Lara State. This evaluation obtained information to be used by the school to improve such a program. The research was done under an evaluative description designed as an expofacto system. It was applied to the complete program (universal population) through an observation guide and interviews which permitted evaluate inputs, process, and products. Evidences were found about structure, equipments, materials, and all the resources needed to teach the area. All of this was acquired for the nuns called “Hijas de la Caridad”. Talking about didactic strategies, it is possible to say there are a diversity of them used with a high property although time is not enough. Finally, it is a series of recommendations.
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