Construction of a machine for cutting punch used tires (nfu) under the thinking eco-friendly


  • Leonardo Díaz Universidad Valle del Momboy
  • Génesis Abreu Rojas Universidad Valle del Momboy
  • Marcos David Méndez Linares Universidad Valle del Momboy


Eco-Friendly, Stamping, Sustainability, Ecosystem


The purpose of this research was to build a die cutting machine for cutting used tires (NFU) under the Eco-friendly thinking; three specific objectives considering the design, implementation of the construction process, the presentation of the products generated by the Stamping Machine and its practical applications in everyday life. The research was experimental; the machine was made using recycled materials without compromising the structural strength thereof, as during experimentation it was confirmed that possess high resistance to cutting and tire manipulation, this being one of their basic characteristics; after vulcanization in the manufacturing process, it was found that the motorcycle rubbers possess a lattice of steel and non- nylon as in automobiles; therefore is more efficient cutting, based on design features that were raised during the development phase of the prototype. For cutting car tires it is necessary to increase the structural strength of the machine and its compressibility. After cutting the tire these were placed in plastic Mayans also serving as fixing base to be assembled. Thus obtaining a homogeneous surface characteristics having the basic tire, wear resistance, thermal insulation, electrical, sound, besides being a non-slip surface. The development of technologies that give use were discarded tires is vital for environmental sustainability and ecosystem preservation.


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How to Cite

Díaz, L., Abreu Rojas, G., & Méndez Linares , M. D. (2015). Construction of a machine for cutting punch used tires (nfu) under the thinking eco-friendly. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (5). Retrieved from


