Strategic plan for the platform technology University Institute of Technology "Mario Briceño Iragorry"


  • Iliana Nieves Universidad Valle del Momboy


ICT, technology platform, strategic planning


The main purpose of this study is to propose a strategic plan for the technological platform of the University Institute of Technology Mario Briceño Iragorry. The research followed the form of fieldwork-descriptive feasible project within the interpretive quantitative methodological approach. The project was conducted in three phases: resting on a field design, development phases of documentation, and field preparation of the proposal. The sample was composed of sixteen (16) people in the Carora extension, the diagnosis was based on evaluation of the technological platform of this Institute using direct observation, questionnaires and checklists that helped in collecting the data necessary for the preparation of the proposal, the 10-item questionnaire with Likert scale, validity through expert judgment and reliability of the instrument resulting 0.86 was determined to be high. Applied questionnaire results demonstrate the need to develop a technology platform to strengthen this institution processes that respond to current technological and educational demands and ensure academic quality and efficiency of the institution. It also arises in this way a technological proposal for an adequate solution to the technological needs of the organization.


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How to Cite

Nieves, I. (2015). Strategic plan for the platform technology University Institute of Technology "Mario Briceño Iragorry". Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (5). Retrieved from


