Analysis of theoretical-methodological approaches of social planning in the work of Mons. Jesus Manuel Moreno Jauregui (1848-1905) of 1871-1899.


  • Luis Alberto Velasquez Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación
  • Jose Luis Briceño Universidad Valle del Momboy


theoretical-methodological approach, positivism, dogmatism, social planning.


The objective of this research is to analyze the theoretical and methodological approaches to social planning in the work of Bishop Jesus Manuel Moreno Jáuregui 1871-1899. In this regard, the analysis of the various theories of social planning and methodological reflected in the work done by Bishop set Jáuregui everywhere who exercised his apostolate. These methodological defined theoretical considerations influenced current thinking in his work. Many authors treating the topic "Bishop Jáuregui "location wise not address the context of the work, for what happened confusion over what belonged rationality, ie if it was conservative and liberal. Utilization social planning and its different theories applied in social, educational, political, intellectual and religious work of Bishop Jáuregui, marked the beginning of development and progress in the State the Andes. This study was conducted under the documentary descriptive framework. All the theoretical framework of social planning point towards positivism, and all of them lead to the "Order and progress" of peoples. The Bishop Jáuregui work was framed in the apostolate for the needy, that is framed in a religious charism so dogmatic about. This is what confuses many scholars jaureguiana  life  and  work.


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How to Cite

Velasquez , L. A., & Briceño, J. L. (2015). Analysis of theoretical-methodological approaches of social planning in the work of Mons. Jesus Manuel Moreno Jauregui (1848-1905) of 1871-1899. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (5). Retrieved from


