Relations intra, inter and transpersonal harmonious in Students at the university core "Rafael Rangel" University of the Andes


  • Jorge Milanes Universidad Yacambu Barquisimeto


Intra Relations, Inter and Transpersonal, Environment, participatory action research.


The Venezuelan educational reality is a reflection of a globalized state of crisis of humanity. Constantly educational environments are scenarios of situations that were unimaginable a few decades ago, the absence of fundamental values such as gratitude or respect are demonstrated through actions that undermine the development of harmonious relations among members of the educational system. The disharmony in relationships is not limited to the coexistence of individuals with their peers , as it should be understood that it is the manifestation of a state of internal disharmony of each of the individuals and that also extends to the interaction with the medium around them , allowing then discuss Intra relations , Inter and Transpersonal disharmonious . The students studying the subject of the University Core Educational Guidance "Rafael Rangel " University of the Andes, are an example of this situation. Taking the problem of disharmony in relationships as a need to consider the present research was the purpose to develop a plan of action to address this problem in the 40 students studying the subject in the academic term A- 2011 , conducting a research process, methodologically framed by the guidelines of participatory action research in this direction 5 times known Teppa (2006 ) were followed namely : Induction , Development , Implementation, Production and Transformation , like techniques were used as Direct , Interview and Observation Group Techniques for the collection of information.



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How to Cite

Milanes, J. (2013). Relations intra, inter and transpersonal harmonious in Students at the university core "Rafael Rangel" University of the Andes. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (2). Retrieved from


