Strategic alliances in organizations


  • Ramón A. Aldana Olivar Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación.
  • Alexander J. Urribarri M Universidad Valle del Momboy


Strategic alliances, organizations


The study aimed to analyze strategic alliances in organizations. The study was supported by authors such as David (2003), Porter (2005), and Striclkand Thompon (2004), among others, the research was documentary. Indicating that the internal strengthening of enterprises is a critical need that must be met as soon as possible, however, rarely can be achieved when working individually, then that can be considered is the formation of strategic alliances to increase competitiveness . In response, the challenges are great for the business environment, as currently companies of any size looking to stay, grow in the markets should handle options that allow them to achieve substantial competitive advantages quickly and effectively, with respect to cost / Positive risk and benefit sharing. Just that, is what can be achieved by strategic alliances. Therefore, the alliance is used to describe any type of colaborista relationship arising between companies, competitors, customers, suppliers, government agencies, universities, and others. The existing academic literature on joint venture and other collaborative arrangements makes available many ways to classify relationships.



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How to Cite

Aldana Olivar, R. A., & Urribarri M, A. J. (2013). Strategic alliances in organizations. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (2). Retrieved from


