Learning Objects In The Virtual University Chairs Valley Momboy
Virtual Education, Learning Object, e -learning, virtual environmentsAbstract
This research 's main purpose is to describe the way they have developed Learning Objects for Virtual Chairs in Momboy Valley University . These objects make learning a new way of thinking about the structure of e -learning, and thus the instructional material because through these content development is flexible , can reduce costs and more current item is obtained. For this is a journey through the development methodology of these objects to house them in the course management platform online Moodle as it is, or as it is called in this university: Elearning. In this sense, the development of this type of research work of literature review was used, with an analytical approach. The main concepts are addressed on learning objects and instructional materials, which are essential to develop the resources in each of the studied professorships. Likewise, the overall structure of the chairs shown, technological programs that were used for development in terms of web pages, videos, educational software and test study, which integrate some examples described in this research.
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