Activities of participation for a healthy sustainable recreation


  • Yuraima Matos Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez


healthy recreation, participation, sustainability, sustainable human development, recreational activities


The recreation has been seen as a basic human need, but sometimes it is not considered as such, undue and even observed their individualistic practice. In recent years there has been a letter emphasizing the development of human capacities for social and ecological sustainability to integrate with the various stakeholders in the community recreation. Hence, the purpose of this study is "To provide a range of activities to participate in school and community to a sustainable healthy recreation." Methodologically is a study of documentary, which allowed the theoretical review and analysis of the terms activities, healthy recreation, community involvement and sustainable human development. A) take walks in open spaces : In that sense, it results in a series of activities that can be implemented in different educational and community spaces , such as developed rivers, mountains, beach, marina , others involving stakeholders in the school and community, b ) Promote opportunities for dialogue and reflection on the values of coexistence and recreation; c ) generating activities of sharing and integration for the care and rescue of the environment of the school and community; d ) engaging in physical exercise , reading , reflection and meditation in which social actors in the school and community involved , among other activities that are implicit actions to be considered to achieve a sustainable healthy recreation , which are considered the principles of social equity, environmental preservation and culture . So its recommended implementation in educational and community spaces for the proper use of leisure time and thus improving the quality of


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How to Cite

Matos , Y. (2013). Activities of participation for a healthy sustainable recreation. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (2). Retrieved from


