The Preliminary period early education in learning for sustainable development


  • Teresita Villasmil de Vásquez Universidad Nacional Experimental “Simón Rodríguez” (UNESR)


Family, Early Childhood, Preliminary Period, Learning, Sustainability


Interest in sustainable education for children at an early age has been extended, hence educators and researchers begin to give it the importance it deserves this subject, because young children are the ones who suffer the consequences of unconsciousness adults today, which affect their quality of life, for it is important to emphasize education for sustainability, and education to build a future of equality, fair and diverse. Therefore, this study aims: To analyze the role of the family and early education in the learning of children for sustainable development. Was performed under the quantitative paradigm , framed in descriptive research with documentary design, where important aspects were analyzed : Theory of Social Ecology, the family as the primary educator of the child and the girl , the central role of teachers in education for promote sustainable development , teach them to live together, preserve the environment and question the excessive consumerism , also the legal basis established in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Organic Law on Education was analyzed . Finally, the results reveal that the boy and the girl are born not only a social but also ecological context and both the family and the educational institution share responsibility to create awareness in them for better quality of life through learning experiences acquired in concrete everyday life.



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How to Cite

Villasmil de Vásquez, T. (2013). The Preliminary period early education in learning for sustainable development. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (2). Retrieved from


