Leadership as a driving force of productivity in SMEs in the Municipality of Santa Rita


  • Luis E. Belloso UNERMB, IUPSM, URBE
  • Misleida Nava URBE, UNERMB
  • Angel Nava UNERMB
  • Carlos Nava UNERMB


Management, Leadership, Productivity


The research addresses leadership in SMEs as a key factor for local development. Developing research that contributes to generating positive impacts on the environment. The objective pursued is to analyze how Leadership influences Organizational Productivity in SMEs in the Municipality of Santa Rita. The research was developed under the assumptions: Bass Theory (1990), Team Competencies (Vroom, 2000) and the Nezu Decision-Making Process (2004). A mixed methodological approach is used to argue the conclusions. The results show that companies exhibit strengths for the development of the municipality, presenting potential for making programmed and analyzed decisions.


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How to Cite

Belloso, L. E., Nava, M., Nava, A., & Nava, C. (2013). Leadership as a driving force of productivity in SMEs in the Municipality of Santa Rita. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (2). Retrieved from https://journal.uvm.edu.ve/index.php/sustentabilidad/article/view/113


