Tropospheric radioattenuation for rain james township


  • Nataly K Rivas G. Universidad Valle del Momboy
  • Claribel Silva Universidad Valle del Momboy


Radioatenuación, rainfalls, frequency


The realized investigation had as purpose effect a forecast of the Radioatenuación Troposférica for rain for the municipality Valera, between the year 1994 until 2003, using the information of rain for annual later periods derived from the model autorregresivo integrated of average mobile (ARIMA) for temporary series. Hereby, the phenomenon is evaluated resting to the above mentioned statistical model who allows to know the climatological changes that produce the rainfalls in the shape of rain in the signs producing lost in the power of heat and a major attention to the perturbaciones that this effect produces to the means of transmission that they find in the above mentioned municipality. The analysis is based on a methodology of not experimental field composed by 3 phases where the information was supplied by the different respective entities of the service of Meteorology, throwing as result that the radioatenuacion troposférica increases depending on the intensity of rain and the frequency where the information he gathers 94 % of the variability but nevertheless it is possible to predict more than 18 months.


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How to Cite

Rivas G. , N. K., & Silva, C. (2013). Tropospheric radioattenuation for rain james township. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (1). Retrieved from


