The integration teaching for the strengthening of the educational institution


  • Ramón A. Aldana Olivar Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación.
  • Alexander J. Urribarri M Universidad Valle del Momboy


Integration, Sense of Belonging, Communication, Human Values, Religious Values, Sustainable.


The objective of this research was to develop an integration plan for strengthening teaching the school Our Lady of Coromoto located in Sector Plant Pueblo Nuevo Parish Rafael María Baralt Municipality, Zulia State. To achieve this purpose, addressed the social project methodology proposed by Pérez (2005), with adaptation Momboy Valley University (2012), focusing on four phases: assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation. In the first phase identified the need through 102 key players belonging to the collective education, which highlights the
need to strengthen communication, human values, religious and sense of belonging, then planned and designed a set of actions for of the points raised. Post was executed nine (9) and evaluated workshops, lectures, workshops aimed at teaching integration to strengthen the school Our Lady of Coromoto. In conclusion, it is imperative that teachers have a mystique of integration, communication, human values, religious, linked to the sense of belonging, as all plans, programs or projects implemented in educational institutions should be the result of a labor of pleasure in
harmony, with a discipline of teamwork. Strengthening the culture of good citizenship, built from the involvement, commitment and continuous reflection group in general, which will give meaning and projection towards education for sustainable lifestyles.


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How to Cite

Aldana Olivar, R. A., & Urribarri M, A. J. (2013). The integration teaching for the strengthening of the educational institution. Sustentabilidad Al Dia, (1). Retrieved from


